
The Department of Finance is responsible for revenue collection, utility billing, tax and parking enforcement, administering employee payroll, benefits and safety; risk management and accounting and financial reporting.

Tax Application and Affidavit Forms

Once completed, please submit the applicable form(s) below via email or mail to the address provided on the form. If you need assistance in obtaining any of these forms, please call our Business Contact Center at 312.747.4747 or for TTY 312.742.1974.

Affidavit For Initial Tax Period

Complete to declare that your business is liable for city business taxes.

Affidavit For Final Tax Period

Complete to declare that your business is no longer required to remit city business taxes.

Amusement Tax Exemption Application

Complete this application if you are exempt because of any of the reasons listed on the form.

Bulk Sales Notification Form

The Notice of Bulk Sale Form is required to be filed by the seller of the business at least 45 days prior to the sale or transfer, however, the purchaser should ensure that this is done.

Business Change Form

Complete if there are changes to your business for tax purposes only.

Business Tax Refund Application

Download this form to apply for a business tax refund.

Financial Hardship Application

Financial Hardship Application.

Final Protest Petition Option

Final Protest Petition Option.

Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative Form.

Protest and Petition for Hearing

Returned Cigarette Stamp Affidavit

Complete to claim a refund for returned cigarette stamps.

Real Property Transfer Tax Refund Application - Seniors 65 and Older

A refund provision exists for the CTA portion of the tax for transfers valued at $250,000.00 or less to transferees who are age 65 years or older and will occupy the property as the principal dwelling place for at least one year following the transfer.

Tax Registration Form - Corporations, Partnerships, LLC's

Please use this form only if you are a corporation, partnership or LLC registering for a Chicago business tax and you are not required to obtain a Chicago business license.

Tax Registration Form - Sole Proprietor

Please use this form only if you are a sole proprietor registering for a Chicago business tax and you are not required to obtain a Chicago business license.

Taxpayer Information Form

Use this form if you are required to submit information regarding your business to the Department of Finance.