Pawn Agreement

Transaction Number:

Agreement Date:

Customer Name:

Customer Address:

Pawn Shop Name:

Pawn Shop Address:

The top section of this pawn agreement template is intended to record the transaction data related to the pawn agreement, including the transaction number, agreement date, and contact information for the customer and pawn shop.

Terms and Conditions

The Customer agrees to pawn the items listed in this pawn agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions below:

The financed amount section of this pawn agreement template lists all funds provided to the customer as part of the pawn agreement.

Financed Amount

The following amounts have been approved for finance:

The financed amount listed above shall be provided to the Customer. In return, the customer agrees to leave the pledged items listed below as collateral.

The customer agrees to pay the amount listed no later than [Payment.DueDate] . Once full payment is made, the listed collateral shall be returned to the customer.​

If full payment is not made by [Payment.DueDate] , the provided collateral shall become the property of [PawnShop.Name] , who may subsequently sell said items in order to recoup the financed amount.

Payment Terms

The Customer may make payments towards the financed amount in person at the Pawn Shop listed. Payments may be made via credit card or cash. No checks will be accepted.

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The pledged items section of this template lists the collateral that the customer is providing to secure the financed amount.

Pledged Items

This pawn agreement has been secured by the Customer by pledging the following property as described below as collateral.

The pledged items shall remain the customer’s property, in possession of the Pawn Shop until full payment of the financed amount is made. If payment is not made by the due date, the Pawn Shop shall become the sole owner of all pledged items.


The Pawn Shop agrees to allow the Customer to pay the financed amount before the listed due date. In the event that full payment is made before the due date, the listed pledged items shall be immediately returned to the customer.

The pawn shop and customer can sign this pawn agreement template from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.


The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees to all payment amounts, terms and conditions as listed in this pawn agreement.