35 Poems About Rabbits

The Teaching Couple

Welcome to a delightful collection of poems about rabbits! These heartwarming verses capture the playful nature, the soft fluffiness, and the quiet, moonlit moments of our furry friends.

Whether they’re hopping through the fields, nibbling on fresh greens, or snuggling in their burrows, rabbits have an enchanting charm that has inspired poets for centuries.

Let us explore the world of rabbits through these captivating poems, each one a tribute to these adorable creatures and their place in our hearts and imaginations.

Enjoy this gentle journey into the meadows, woods, and warrens where rabbits make their homes, and discover the joy and wonder they bring to our lives.

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Animals

free verse poetry

Table of Contents

Five Free Verse Poems About Rabbits

1. The Dawn Hopper

In the quiet of the dawn,

a silhouette hops against the blush of the sky.

A rabbit, fur gleaming silver in the emerging light,

nibbling on dew-kissed greens.

Its ears, twin radar dishes tuned to the whispers of the world,

stand alert amid the tranquil hush.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. The Burrow’s Tale

Beneath the old oak tree, a labyrinth lies,

a warren, a haven, a rabbit’s paradise.

Here they dwell, in the heart of the earth,

in tunnels of darkness and chambers of mirth.

Their secret world, hidden from sight,

a sanctuary veiled by day and night.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Moonlit Meadow

The moon casts her silver glow on the meadow,

painting shadows of rabbits dancing in the snow.

They leap, they twirl, silhouettes in the night,

under the twinkling stars’ gentle light.

A ballet of fur and footprints etched in white,

a magical spectacle of the winter’s night.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. The Rabbit’s Song

In the stillness of the afternoon, listen for the rabbit’s song.

Not a melody of notes, but a symphony of life lived strong.

The rustle of leaves underfoot, the crunch of a carrot so sweet,

the thump of a warning drummed on the ground, a heartbeat.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. The Rabbit’s Wish

If a rabbit could make a wish upon a star,

what dreams would flicker in its heart from afar?

Fields of clover, endless and green,

a life of peace, unseen, serene.

In the twinkle of the night, a wish takes flight,

for a world where every rabbit’s right is to delight.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Fish here.

Haiku Poem

Five Haiku Poems About Rabbits

1. Dawn’s Grace

Morning sun kisses,

Rabbit hops in dewy grass,

Day awakens, bright.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. Burrow’s Whisper

Beneath the old tree,

Rabbits whisper in the dark,

Life hums underground.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Moonlit Dance

Moonlight paints the field,

Rabbits dance in silver glow,

Night’s quiet ballet.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. Afternoon Melody

Soft rustle of leaves,

Rabbit’s song in the stillness,

Nature’s gentle tune.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. Starry Wish

Starlight twinkles high,

Rabbit’s wish on a cool breeze,

Dreams of clover fields.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Sharks here.


Five Limerick Poems About Rabbits

1. The Dawn’s Delight

A rabbit hopped at the break of day,

In the fields of dew, he’d frolic and play.

With the sun in the sky, so bright,

His fur would shine in the light,

Starting each morning in the most joyful way.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. The Burrow’s Secret

Beneath the roots of an old oak tree,

A warren of rabbits lived with glee.

Their burrow was a hidden delight,

Away from the world, out of sight,

A secret haven, as cozy as can be.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. The Moonlit Waltz

In a meadow bathed in moonlight glow,

Rabbits would put up quite a show.

They’d dance and leap with all their might,

Creating a spectacle in the night,

Their silhouettes against the snow.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. The Rabbit’s Symphony

There once was a rabbit, soft and brown,

Whose afternoon melody was the talk of the town.

With a rustle and a thump, so sweet,

He’d drum a rhythm with his feet,

His song of life wearing nature’s crown.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. The Starry Dream

A rabbit wished upon a star,

For fields of clover, near and far.

A peaceful life, full of delight,

Under the blanket of the night,

His dream twinkling like a gem in a jar.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Bears here.


Five Tanka Poems About Rabbits

1. Dawn’s Awakening

Morning sun rises,

Rabbit hops in dew-kissed grass,

Day awakens bright.

A new day’s promise unfolds,

Life dances in the light’s hold.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. Underground Kingdom

Beneath the old tree,

Warren hums with quiet life,

Hidden from our eyes.

A labyrinth of secrets,

Rabbits whisper in the dark.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Moonlight Sonata

Moon paints the meadow,

Rabbits dance in silver glow,

Night’s quiet ballet.

In the hush, they leap and twirl,

Under the stars, dreams unfurl.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. Afternoon Serenade

Soft rustle of leaves,

Rabbit’s song fills the still air,

Nature’s gentle tune.

In the quiet, life thrives, sings,

Each moment a gift it brings.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. Star-Gazer’s Dream

Twinkling stars above,

Rabbit wishes on a breeze,

Dreams of clover fields.

In the cool night, hope takes flight,

Tomorrow bathed in starlight.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Lions here.


Five Sonnet Poems About Rabbits

1. A Leap in the Meadow

Upon the meadow, beneath the azure sky,

A rabbit leaps with exuberant zeal.

No worry or care to make it sigh,

In its world of green, a perfect ideal.

Its nose twitches, sensing the breeze,

Ears erect, listening for danger near.

In the dance of life, it moves with ease,

In the meadow’s song, it’s a revered seer.

Silently it nibbles on the tender grass,

Brown eyes gleaming with a gentle light.

In the grand tapestry of life, a humble class,

Yet, its existence, a beautiful sight.

In the simple rabbit, we see life’s truth,

A dance of joy, a leap of sooth.

By Dan Higgins 2024

2. The Burrow’s Tale

Beneath the earth, in chambers deep,

Lies the burrow where rabbits sleep.

A complex maze, a hidden keep,

Where secrets of rabbit-kind they keep.

Each tunnel tells a tale untold,

Of brave rabbits, young and old.

Of winter’s chill and summer’s gold,

In the burrow, these stories unfold.

Soft fur against the cool earth,

The burrow, a place of quiet mirth.

From it, new generations take birth,

A testament to life’s constant rebirth.

The burrow’s tale is one of strife,

Yet, it pulses with vibrant life.

By Dan Higgins 2024

3. Moonlit Hare

Under the moon’s soft, silver glow,

Through the night, the rabbit does go.

In its eyes, a gentle light does show,

A silent wanderer, moving slow.

It hops along the dew-kissed grass,

A shadow in the night, it does pass.

In the quiet, it’s but a small mass,

Yet its presence, none can surpass.

Under the stars, it finds its way,

Guided by the moon’s gentle ray.

In the night, where other creatures lay,

The rabbit continues its solitary ballet.

Under the moonlit sky, so bare,

Moves the silent, gentle hare.

By Dan Higgins 2024

4. The Rabbit’s Dawn

As dawn breaks, with a soft, rosy light,

The rabbit stirs, ending its nocturnal flight.

With the morning dew, its fur alight,

It greets the day, shaking off the night.

It hops along, with a joyful gait,

Ready to face whatever fate.

In its heart, no room for hate,

Only love for life, in every state.

As the sun rises, casting long shadows,

The rabbit moves through the meadows.

In the morning light, it glows,

A simple creature, yet it bestows,

A lesson of joy, a lesson of morn,

In every dawn, life is reborn.

By Dan Higgins 2024

5. The Dance of the Hares

In the field, under the midday sun,

Two hares meet, their dance begun.

A playful leap, a joyful run,

In their dance, they are one.

They chase each other, round and round,

Their laughter, a joyful sound.

In their dance, a love profound,

In their hearts, a bond is found.

They move together, in perfect sync,

At the water’s edge, they stop to drink.

Through their dance, they interlink,

In their eyes, love’s gentle wink.

Their dance is a sight so rare,

The beautiful dance of the loving hare.

By Dan Higgins 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Deer here.


Five Ode Poems About Rabbits

1. Ode to the Meadow’s Guest

In the heart of the meadow, where grasses sway,

Lives a creature gentle as the break of day.

With ears so long, and coat so bright,

The rabbit hops in soft moonlight.

Fleeting like a whispered dream,

In the silver light, it does seem,

A ghost of the field, a specter of the night,

Under the stars’ gentle light.

By Dan Higgins 2024

2. Ode to the Burrow Dweller

Oh, rabbit, with your burrow deep,

Where do you go when others sleep?

Down tunnels dark, and chambers wide,

Is that where all your secrets hide?

In your earthen castle’s keep,

Where shadows dance and secrets seep,

A world unknown, beneath our feet,

The rabbit’s home, so discreet.

By Dan Higgins 2024

3. Ode to the Silent Hop

Silent hop, in morning’s glow,

Through fields of dew, where wildflowers grow,

The rabbit knows a peace so rare,

In its quiet world, without a care.

With every leap, and every bound,

Not a whisper, not a sound,

Oh, to live with such grace,

In the rabbit’s gentle pace.

By Dan Higgins 2024

4. Ode to the Velvet Ears

Velvet ears, so tall and fine,

Catching whispers from the divine.

What secrets do the breezes tell,

To the rabbit, in its dell?

Listening to the wind’s sweet song,

In a world where we belong,

The rabbit hears what we cannot,

In its tranquil, peaceful spot.

By Dan Higgins 2024

5. Ode to the Hare’s Heart

Heart of a hare, so wild and free,

Thumping rhythm of life’s jubilee.

In every beat, a tale untold,

Of the rabbit, brave and bold.

In the quiet of the night,

Under the moon’s soft light,

The rabbit’s heart sings a song,

Of a life where it belongs.

By Dan Higgins 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Falcons here.

Villanelle Poem

Five Villanelle Poems About Rabbits

1. The Hopping Song

In fields of green where wildflowers grow,

A rabbit hops, as free as the breeze.

Through sun and rain, come high or low.

Its ears stand tall, its eyes aglow,

Alert to sounds among the trees.

In fields of green where wildflowers grow.

With fur as white as winter’s snow,

It nibbles on the tender leaves.

Through sun and rain, come high or low.

In burrows deep, where no bird knows,

It finds its rest, its heart at ease.

In fields of green where wildflowers grow.

And though the seasons come and go,

It finds its joy among the reeds.

Through sun and rain, come high or low.

So, in the meadow’s gentle glow,

A rabbit’s life is as it pleases.

In fields of green where wildflowers grow,

Through sun and rain, come high or low.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. The Rabbit’s Lullaby

Hush now, rabbit, close your eyes,

Beneath the moon’s soft, silver guise.

The night is quiet, stars are high.

The grass whispers a soothing sigh,

As daylight fades and darkness lies.

Hush now, rabbit, close your eyes.

In dreams, you’ll leap towards the skies,

Where no hawk dares to fly.

The night is quiet, stars are high.

Safe in your burrow, time flies by,

Your heart is calm, no need to cry.

Hush now, rabbit, close your eyes.

The dawn will come with warm sunrise,

Till then, sleep beneath the starry sky.

The night is quiet, stars are high.

Dream of meadows, butterflies,

Where you can run, jump and fly.

Hush now, rabbit, close your eyes,

The night is quiet, stars are high.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. The Rabbit’s Dance

In the twilight, see them prance,

Rabbits in their joyful dance.

Underneath the moon’s soft glance.

Their paws are light, as if in trance,

On this stage of happenstance.

In the twilight, see them prance.

They leap and twirl, they skip and lance,

Each move a part of nature’s romance.

Underneath the moon’s soft glance.

Through the meadow, they advance,

In their hearts, a pure expanse.

In the twilight, see them prance.

Their song is silent, but enchants,

A melody of life’s cadence.

Underneath the moon’s soft glance.

So, watch them in their merry dance,

These creatures of elegance.

In the twilight, see them prance,

Underneath the moon’s soft glance.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. The Meadow’s Tale

In the meadow, where the rabbits dwell,

A tale of life, they softly tell.

Of sun and rain, of joy and spell.

Their days are full, their hearts swell,

In this place they know so well.

In the meadow, where the rabbits dwell.

Through winter’s chill, spring’s spell,

Their spirits strong, they never fell.

Of sun and rain, of joy and spell.

The earth their home, their citadel,

Their stories in each blade and shell.

In the meadow, where the rabbits dwell.

So listen close, and you can tell,

The wisdom that their voices quell.

Of sun and rain, of joy and spell.

In the meadow, where life is well,

A rabbit’s tale is there to tell.

In the meadow, where the rabbits dwell,

Of sun and rain, of joy and spell.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. The Rabbit’s Song

Listen to the rabbit’s song,

A melody that’s sweet and long.

In the quiet, it belongs.

With notes of joy, nothing wrong,

In its heart, a love so strong.

Listen to the rabbit’s song.

Through the seasons, all along,

Its tune carries on and on.

In the quiet, it belongs.

Its voice is soft, yet it’s strong,

A hymn of life, a lifelong song.

Listen to the rabbit’s song.

So, as the day moves along,

Hear the music, pure and strong.

In the quiet, it belongs.

And as the night draws along,

The rabbit’s song continues on.

Listen to the rabbit’s song,

In the quiet, it belongs.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Starlings here.

As we come to the end of this delightful collection of poems about rabbits, we hope you’ve enjoyed the journey through the playful nature, soft fluffiness, and quiet, moonlit moments of these enchanting creatures.

The heartwarming verses have taken us on a lyrical exploration of the rabbit’s world, capturing their charm and the joy they bring to our lives.

From hopping through fields and nibbling fresh greens to snuggling in cozy burrows, each poem has paid tribute to these adorable creatures and their captivating place in our hearts and imaginations.

The journey into the meadows, woods, and warrens where rabbits make their homes has hopefully offered you a new appreciation for these creatures and the simple, yet profound, beauty of their existence.

Thank you for joining us on this poetic adventure. May the charm of these poems remain with you, reminding you of the wonder of rabbits and the inspiration they provide. Enjoy the lingering echoes of these verses and carry their spirit with you as you venture into your own meadows, woods, and warrens of life.