Admission Requirements

Minnesota State Mankato is a university where you can stand out. You will find comprehensive support services, a wide variety of majors to explore, and opportunities to excel in and out of the classroom.

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Applicants who are graduates of accredited high schools (or who hold a GED certificate) with no prior college work will be considered for admission to Minnesota State University, Mankato, based on high school courses (including Minnesota State University Preparation Standards), grades, class rank, and college entrance examinations (ACT optional).

If you are an applicant with any military training (completion of basic training and after), you will apply as a Transfer Student. Minnesota State University, Mankato is test-optional.

Guaranteed Admission

You will be automatically admitted with any one of the following:

If you do not meet the above admission requirements, you can submit additional information for us to consider when reviewing your application. Please provide:

Comprehensive Application Review

Personal Statement addressing the following: college readiness and ability to be successful at university-level coursework, post-secondary plans, why you want to attend Minnesota State University, Mankato, and any other challenges that may have impacted your admissibility.

Letter of Recommendation from a teacher in a core curriculum class. The recommendation should provide insight into a student’s academic performance and readiness for college. One recommendation will complete the file, but additional letters may be submitted.

Senior Year Grades to show academic achievement in senior year. These grades can be a progress report or an updated transcript that shows up-to-date grades from senior year.

Send your Application Materials to Undergraduate Admissions

Your counselor can either send in your transcripts electronically through Naviance/Parchment or as an email attachment to, or they can mail them to:

Office of Admissions
Minnesota State University, Mankato
122 Taylor Center
Mankato, MN 56001

Test-Optional Admissions

Minnesota State Mankato is test-optional for admissions. We will make admission decisions based on high school transcripts and GPA for students who do not provide ACT or SAT scores. Students who apply will not be required to submit ACT or SAT scores to be considered for admission, and missing test scores will not be required prior to attending. If students submit test scores, they will be used in the admission process.

College Preparation Standards

Students graduating high school in the previous 3 years are subject to preparation requirements.

Additional Admission Opportunities

Minnesota State University, Mankato is committed to enrolling a diverse student body. Admission is granted regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability. The institution abides by the provisions of Title IX and by all other federal and state laws regarding equal opportunity.

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