
In partnership with numerous benefactors and foundations, the University of Notre Dame offers a variety of scholarship awards based on various criteria. All students who apply to the University of Notre Dame according to its Restrictive Early Action and Regular Decision admissions deadlines are considered for merit scholarship awards.

All prospective scholars follow Notre Dame’s regular procedures for applying for admission and financial aid. The award selection process complements these procedures. We strongly recommend that all applicants to Notre Dame apply for financial aid.

Selection Timeline During Year of Application to Notre Dame

November 1 Restrictive Early Action Deadline
January 1 Regular Decision Deadline
January - March Invitations issued
March - April Notre Dame Scholars' Program campus visit weekends
May 1 Deadline to accept award and confirm attendance

Scholarship Awards

Academic Achievement and Outstanding Leadership

Academic Achievement

Academic Achievement and Community Involvement

Academic Achievement and Demonstrated Financial Need

Academic Achievement and Mendoza College of Business

Academic Achievement and College of Science

Academic Achievement and College of Engineering

Academic Achievement and Geographic Location

Notre Dame Scholars’ Program 120 Main Building University of Notre Dame , Notre Dame , IN 46556 USA Phone (574) 631-1111 Fax (574) 631-1331