Apply for a disabled parking bay

Find out how to apply for a disabled parking bay on your road.

What is a disabled parking bay

Disabled parking bays are marked areas on residential roads that provide on-street parking for Blue Badge holders. This helps disabled people park closer to their homes.

Holding a valid blue badge does not automatically qualify you for a disabled bay outside your property. This is a separate criteria.

We follow strict criteria when it comes to installing a parking bay.

We will look at:

Who can apply

You can apply for a disabled parking bay:

and all of the following apply to you. You:


Complete the application form if you would like a disabled parking bay outside your home.

The parking bay will not be your personal bay. Any other vehicle displaying a Blue Badge can use it.

How long will it take

It can take up to 12 months from submitting your application for a parking bay to be installed.

If you need an occupational assessment these are booked in within 6 to 9 weeks from receiving your application. We will contact you directly to book this in.

A formal Traffic Management Order (TMO) will be proposed for public consultation. This is subject to any assessment and approvals. This can take up to 3 months. Any objections will need to be formally reviewed. If the objection is upheld then the parking bay may not be installed. This can cause delays of a few months.

If no objections the bay is normally installed in 6 to 8 weeks.

TMO’s for disabled parking bays are published 4 times a year. This can delay the bay being installed.

Last Modified: 15/05/2024 20:16:56