
There are fees for filing certain applications, and for some hearings. Filing fees must be paid before the application is filed and are non-refundable. The fees are set by government regulations and increase on 1 July each year. GST does not apply to Family Court fees.

Application Fees

Response to Initiating Application (Form 1A) AND if introducing Interim Orders Sought - when not sought by the Applicant

Amending an application

If your original Initiating Application (Form 1) only sought final parenting orders, or only sought final financial orders, and you subsequently amend the Initiating Application to include both final parenting and financial orders, there will be an additional filing fee of $270 for the amended application.

Hearing fees and setting down fees

Hearing fees can be paid online, see Payment Options for details.

There are fees for each day of a defended hearing for final orders. There are no hearing fees for procedural hearings, or hearings to prepare a case for trial.

When your case is prepared for trial and given a trial date, there is a setting down fee. This fee is for the court to allocate a trial date and begin preparing to decide your application, and includes the hearing fee for the first day of the trial. A setting down fee is not refundable, and must be paid no later than 28 days before the hearing.

Listed before a judge

Listed before a magistrate

Listed before a judge

Listed before a magistrate

Appeal fees

Form 20 - Application for leave to appeal under section 211 of the Family Court Act 1997 from an interlocutory order of a Family Law Magistrate

Appeal fees (Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Div 1))

Description Fees from 1 July 2024
Notice of appeal to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Div 1) from orders made by a Judge or a Family Law Magistrate (unless the below fee has been paid) $1,665
Application for leave to appeal to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Div 1) $1,665

Fee Payment Methods

Online at the eCourts Portal of Western Australia when efiling your application, using VISA or Mastercard credit/debit card.

Hearing fees and setting down fees can be paid by VISA or Mastercard credit/debit card through the eCourts Portal Invoice Payment page.

To pay hearing fees online, you will need the hearing fee invoice and invoice number.

Fee exemption, reduction and deferral

If you hold certain Government concession cards, are receiving certain types of government support, or you can demonstrate financial hardship, you may be eligible for a fee reduction or exemption. The payment of a filing fee can also be deferred in certain limited circumstances. See the fee reductions and exemptions page for details.

Need more information?

Contact the Family Court registry on (08) 9224 8222 or 1800 199 228.

Last updated: 4-Sep-2024